After a lot of work and planning to get the garage ready to begin on the Little Dipper restoration I decided to go a different direction. The opportunity to buy a fully (beautifully) restored 1962 Oasis landed in my lap. What could I do but go for it! She’s a really pretty trailer and I’m excited to be able to go on adventures right away!
I am a little sad that I didn’t have the opportunity to restore the Dipper. I had dreams of how she was going to look when I was done. I knew it would be a huge job. I had too many obstacles to being able to get it done without a lot of stress. I’m happy to say a couple who are anxious to rebuild their own trailer so they can ditch the tent and be able to camp in a trailer with their dogs bought her. It’s fun to get updates from them as they work on getting her camp ready.
This page will now become a portal to stay in touch and follow our adventures with the little 62. I’m excited.
Since I won’t be rebuilding the Little Dipper, I am turning my attention to restoring my 1971 Chevrolet C-20 Pickup truck. Some day the truck and trailer will be a set. I can’t wait to tool around with both of them.
For now here is a short video showing the 71 on her way to get her engine ready to go.
Until next time,
Greg and Katie. New owners with big plans of their own. Happy Trails!