I took my first trip with my sweet vintage trailer!
It all came about when I was asked to photograph my cousin and her husband renewing their vows (21 years!). They have a neat spot near Ocean Park on the west coast of Washington state. It’s a good 5 hour drive from my house to get there. In the day it’s a nice drive. Not so much in the last part where the road becomes very windy (and it was very dark by then). I left my home at 7 pm arriving at my cousins place near one in the morning. After locking my keys in the cab of my truck, I decided to deal with that in the morning and settled down for a wonderful sleep in my cozy little trailer. Just like Goldie Locks I found it to be “just right”. Cozy but not cramped. Cool but not cold. Room for the things I needed and of course COFFEE in the morning! I parked near the edge of their property where their yard met up with a woodsy area that was lovely and perfect for getting the camping vibe.
Towing was a dream. Sometimes I could almost forget I had my little trailer behind me. Now that I know I can make a pot of coffee and I can tow my little trailer there will be no holding me back!
On to creating all kinds of camping memories!
As Tigger would say TTFN (Ta-ta for now)!
My Little Slice of Heaven August 2020